The Itch

I've always wanted a motorcycle. Maybe it was Top Gun, or some other form of brainwashing that planted the seed in my psyche as a young boy, but I longed for two wheels. Living at home while going to college prevented it from becoming a reality for a while, although I was always too scared to get a bike anyway. I had a bad car crash in 2003, which made me completely abandon the idea. I guess there's something about laying in a bed for three months with a shattered pelvis that makes you second guess such seemingly unnecessary desires.

The truth is, my body is more fragile than most people; I still have 14 screws and two plates holding my pelvis together. It's been five years, but after some friends at work bought motorcycles, I once again had the itch. This time I wasn't going to let anything hold me back, so I hunted for ride- one with two less wheels than I was accustomed to.