On Scooters, Passengers, and Coffee

A common saying among guys here in the US regarding scooters is

"Scooters are like fat chicks, they're a lot of fun to ride, but you don't want anyone to see you on them."

Why do we have this negative stigma regarding scooters in the US? Probably because we take these wide open spaces for granted. And our world-view is as small as the nearest state. You see, here in America, we don't have the rich history of Europe. Don't get me wrong... I'm as Patriotic as the next person, but who do you know with an apartment older that the Declaration of Independence?

Before you look up the date and start comparing it... no one.

If you lived in Italy, chances are, you know a lot of people. While our culture constantly tore down it's history for "improvements", Europe preserved it's history while still making technological advancements. That means cities still have TONS of old buildings. And old, narrow cobblestone streets. They are cool, but cars really have no place there. So scooters thrive.

My girlfriend wants a scooter. I think she would have a blast. She's getting excited about the concept of two wheels, even though she hasn't been on a ride with me yet. I wanted to make sure my skills are beyond adequate to ensure she isn't in any unnecessary danger. I think she'd look great on a scooter.

An vintage Italian scooter comes to mind...

It would be cool if there was a place in town where people could ride in, and just have great conversation over a cup of coffee. Call it a resurgence... of two wheels, of face to face conversation, and of good coffee.

Turn off your cell phone, ride in, and enjoy the time you spend with other people. I'll be there with a double Macchiato, ready to talk...